Windows Mingw-W64


The current version of the template does not run tests of the project under the target platform. This would require physical or virtual Windows machines to be available for running CICD jobs which the authors of the template currently do not have resources for.

Cross-compiled binaries are untested and may or may not work properly.

The Mingw-W64 cross compiler is used to compile native x86_64 Windows binaries from a GNU/Linux host environment. The job in question in mingw_x86_64 in the package stage.

Refer to the upstream Mingw-W64 website for details:

Other architectures

By default the template only compiles for the x86_64 architecture, commonly known as “64-bit Windows”. Compiling for i686, or “32-bit Windows”, is also possible. Simply copy the mingw_w64_x86_64 docker target as mingw_w64_i686 and change the x86-64 prefix for all packages into -i686. Finally create a new cross-compiler definition in cmake/cross and add a CICD job.

For other, rare, architectures of Windows such as ARM you will need to obtain or build a cross-compiler yourself. The Mingw-W64 project only handles the i686 and x86_64 architectures.